Click the result for scores and match report
Month | Date | Event | Venue | Result |
April | 01 | Seniors v Gloucestershire (Friendly) |
The Vale |
06 |
Seniors v Nottinghamshire (Friendly) |
Droitwich |
28 |
Seniors v Northamptonshire (Friendly) |
Cleobury Mortimer | Lost |
May | 25 |
Seniors v Leicestershire & Rutland (Friendly) |
Kilworth Springs | Won |
June | 28 |
Seniors v Derbyshire |
Ashbourbe |
Won |
July | 08 |
Seniors v Warwickshire |
WGCC | Lost |
18 |
Seniors v Shropshire & Herefordshire |
Stourbridge |
Lost |
August | 24 |
Seniors v Staffordshire |
South Staffordshire | Won |
A full calendar of events can be found here.
Please note, as details in the full calendar of events come from multiple sources they cannot be guaranteed. Whilst the calendar will be updated as changes become known, it is advised that details are checked on the Individual organizers website.